Welcome to the main web page for Chapter TWO of PRECALCULUS: College Algebra and Trigonometry.
Use this page to move to the desired pointers within the chapter.
The chapter is divided into the following sections:
2.0 Solving Linear and Quadratic Equations
2.1 Linear Functions
2.2 Parallel, Perpendicular, and Intersecting Lines
2.3 Linear Regression
2.4 Quadratic Functions
2.5 Parametric Equations
In the textbook there are icons directing you to various support pages. The
is used to reference pages that
demonstrate aspects of using the TI graphing calculators. The
is used to reference extra material on a topic. And the icon
is used to
reference further explanations of some point in the text.
Below each icon in the text there is a sequenced name for the specific
web page being referenced. Those icons and sequenced names are listed below
as hyperlinks to the desired pages.
2.0 Solving Linear and Quadratic Equations
calculator pages |
additional material pages |
further explanations pages |
| Page 98 |
This is a page that explains the use of Solver on the TI-86.
| Page 98 |
This is a page that explains the use of the "solve"
command for symbolic algebra on the TI-92 (TI-89).
208302 208602
| Page 98 |
This is a page that uses the TI-83 or TI-86 (TI-85) to check the
work for Example 4.
| Page 100 |
Presents trinomial factoring, version 1: "trifact1"
for TI-83 or TI-86(85).
| Page 100 |
Presents trinomial factoring, version 2: "trifact2"
for TI-83 or TI-86(85).
| Page 100 |
This is a page that explains the use of the TI-86 (85) "poly"
command for solving polynomials.
208306 208606
| Page 102 |
This is a page that presents the QUAD program on the
TI-83 or TI-86(85).
208307 208607
| Page 102 |
This is a page that presents the QUAD1 program on the
TI-83 or TI-86(85).
208308 208308
| Page 102 |
This is a page that presents the QUAD2 program on the
TI-83 or TI-86(85).
| Page 97 |
This is a page that give additional material for Chapter 2, Section 0.
2.1 Linear Functions
calculator pages |
additional material pages |
further explanations pages |
218301 218601 218901
| Page 113 |
These are pages that present the various forms of the SLOPE program
for the different calculators.
| Page 115 |
This page presents shading on the TI-86.
| Page 112 |
This is a page demonstrates an alternate method of solving
point-slope problems.
2.2 Parallel, Perpendicular, and Intersecting Lines
calculator pages |
additional material pages |
further explanations pages |
| Page 127 |
This is a page demonstrates uses of the STANDARD FORM for linear equations.
| Page 127 |
This is a page related to the appearance of "perpendicularity" on the calculators.
2.3 Linear Regression
calculator pages |
additional material pages |
further explanations pages |
238301 238601 238901
| Page 138 |
Traces the construction of the problem in the book.
| Page 138 |
A detailed example of doing a Linear Regression, other than the example in the book.
| Page 138 |
A detailed example of doing a Linear Regression on the TI-89 using special features of the
| Page 137 |
General discussion of Linear Regression.
| Page 141 |
Further investigation of Example 3.
2.4 Quadratic Functions
calculator pages |
additional material pages |
further explanations pages |
248301 248601 248901
| Page 156 |
This is a student generated program for finding the
component characteristics of a quadratic equation.
248303 248603 248903
| Page 159 |
Demonstration of the steps needed to find the points of intersection between a line and a parabola.
2.5 Parametric Equations
calculator pages |
additional material pages |
further explanations pages |
| Page 171 |
Shifting the calculator into the "Parametric" Mode and
then graphing two parametric equations.
| Page 169 |
More text and images to present the parametric equations, the table, and the graph of the points.
| Page 171 |
Even more text and images to present the parametric equations, the table, and the graph of the points.
PRECALCULUS: College Algebra and Trigonometry
© 2000 Dennis Bila, James Egan, Roger Palay