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60 possible points
1 point is earned for each hour present in class activities noted on the Course Syllabus.
Students are expected to be on-time, and present for each scheduled class session, whether a class session is conducted on campus, or on location. Students are expected to participate in all scheduled class lectures, field sessions, and critique times. Class time includes work in our lab space on images for blog posts, assignments, and portfolios. Tardiness of 15 minutes or more is considered a half-hour of absence. Departing class early is considered unaccountable time, therefore attendance credit is not earned.
Come to class prepared to work, and do not bring food into any instructional space — please eat at home.
• Trips to stores to buy supplies or the like is not considered a productive use of class time, nor a reasonable excuse to depart class early.
• Contacting the instructor by eMail is encouraged if you find that extenuating circumstances will prevent you from attending class.
• Your attendance total impacts the final letter grade, so be sure to view the attendance table on this page.
200 possible points
5 critiques x 40 possible points each = 200
Two images per critique = 20 points | Contribute verbally at critique = 20 points
Sharing work with the group and listening to constructive criticism is probably the most informative and valuable experience of any photo/imaging course. Students are expected to present a minimum of two images for each scheduled group critique regardless of the technical and/or aesthetic results. Images are expected to have technical flaws and in need of improvement. If images are not presented at critique then zero points results. The work itself is not what is graded/credited during these series of critiques.
• Student participation, and speaking about classmates’ work during critique is credited. Students don't need to comment about every image displayed, but must express some constructive thoughts, or perhaps ask questions, to earn credit. The instructor discreetly keeps track of participation during critiques. If a student chooses to remain quiet during the entire critique, then zero points are earned.
260 possible points
— 5 reports, AR1|50 + AR2|40 + AR3|40 + AR4|80 + AR5|50 = 260
Artist reports are completed by means of the Internet research, and two assigned readings [noted below]. These are designed to encourage critical thinking and deeper learning by evaluating images created by contemporary or historically significant photographers. The final artist report occurs at a gallery or museum during a private viewing of a fine-art portfolio, and is evaluated by means of individual written responses and participation in small, and large group discussions. In addition to the aforementioned learning objectives, the final artist report is designed to support and inspire the development and production of a theme-based collection of images.
Artist Reports 2 & 3 Requirements
Criticizing Photographs: An Introduction to Understanding Images
Ch.2, pgs.16 ›› 37; Ch.5, pgs. 106 ›› 113
200 possible points — 10 unique blog postings x 20 possible points each = 200
Each post is date checked to verify presence in Spain
• Ten, unique blog postings means completing the task on ten unique days/dates. Students doing all ten blog postings, to either "front load" or "cram" the task before the class concludes, earn 20 points total.
• Pre-departure and/or Post-trip blog entries are strongly encouraged, but do not garner course credit.
• Each post must include a minimum of one photograph, and a 100-word minimum, articulation of personal impressions and/or professional experiences while living abroad.
• Students are encouraged to be creative and introspective. The images are not critiqued or evaluated.
• Emphasis is placed on critical thinking skills, observations, insights, patterns, the unexpected, and the wanderings and wonderings of the time being spent in Spain.
• Students are required to keep the content professional. This blog is not Facebook, and is not a platform to call people degenerative and offensive names, or post content that distorts the character of others. Students using language or actions creating a hostile, uncomfortable, or an unsafe learning environment for others to remain present, or is determined to be degenerative, distasteful, or disrespectful to any person, race, class, or social group, can be dismissed immediately, and forfeit all earned credit.
320 possible points — 8 Assignments x 40 Points Each = 320
These evaluations are exclusive to photography Assignments One through Eight, and provide an opportunity for students to receive constructive evaluation of their image making progress. Images are evaluated according to rubrics representing various learning objectives and outcomes. Assignments that are not adequately represented according to their respective set of objectives are not fully credited, and cannot earn full credit if turned in after the final portfolio is due.
260 possible points
Component 1|130:
Twelve-image minimum: Internet Web Gallery
Component 2|100:
Basic Layout & Design: Print-On-Demand Book
Component 3|30:
Two, high-resolution images: Print Exhibit
• The final portfolio consists of select images representing each assignment. It should clearly represent the best work produced during this course. Images are evaluated according to rubrics representing various learning objectives and outcomes. Detailed information is provided on the Assignments page.
• The Course Description and Grade System function as work agreements or "contracts" for this class. Your continued enrollment indicates that you understand and accept of the terms and conditions of this grading system. This is a merit based system wherein every student starts with zero and earns credit upon the completion of work. The final letter grade is based on the total amount of points accrued from week-to-week, and it is your responsibility to accrue those points.
• If you have a documented learning disability and wish to discuss academic options for this course, please contact me as soon as possible. Information shared is confidential.
C | P
60 to 56
No Deduction
Attendance has a direct impact on your final grade regardless of the quantity or quality of work produced.
55 to 54
1/3-letter deduction
A to A-
53 to 52
2/3-letter deduction
A to B+
51 to 48
1-Full letter deduction
A to B
47 to 44
1 & 1/3-letter deduction
A to B-
43 to 40
1 & 2/3-letter deduction
A to C+
39 or less
Withdrawal Recommended
Don Werthmann
professional faculty — photo
washtenaw community college