HST 290    Syllabus

Reading Assignments

Books - You have one assigned book in this course.  It is inexpensive and available on Amazon.  It is also on reserve in the WCC library. 

    - TBA

Ideally, you will want to read the textbook BEFORE the start of on-campus classes.

Course Website and Lecture/Discussion Outlines - This course will make extensive use of the internet. Outlines for each lecture/discussion and all assignments are posted on the course website.  (Be advised that I reserve the right to ADD or CHANGE information on the outlines and class schedules.  Do not print them out and assume that the information is set in stone for the duration of the course.)

Course Grade Breakdown:
Item Point Value
Take-Home Exam
Scavenger Hunts (5 x 5 points each) 
Journal Reviews (2 x 15 points each)
Paper 20
Total Points 100

Course Grading Scale:

B+  88-89     
C+  78-79     
D+  68-69  F  59 and below 
A  93-100     
B  83-87   C  73-77
D  63-67  
A-  90-92 B-  80-82   C- 70-72   D-  60-62    


Description of Graded Items

Take-Home Exam - You will have a take-home exam that will consist of one essay question.  See the exam page for guidelines and your choice of topics .  See the class schedule for the exam due date. 

Scavenger Hunts - We will be visiting a number of historical and archaeological sites on the trip. For five (5) of these sites you will be required to locate and document certain artifacts and structures , and then post your results on Blackboard. In general, these scavenger hunts will require you to take pictures of relevant artifacts or structures and comment on their significance. You are welcome to work together on these assignments, but the pictures and commentary which you submit to Blackboard must be your own work.   

Journal Entries - It is expected that you will keep a journal of your travels and experiences while on the trip; this is important not only for being able to write your final paper, but also as a means of “digesting” the experience. You will be keeping your journal on Blackboard; I will review your journal entries on two occasions throughout the trip. It is expected that you will write in this journal everyday and provide substantive entries that reflect your attendance and participation.

Paper - Upon your return from the trip, you will write a paper on your study abroad experience.  See the Paper Assignment page for details.  See the class schedule for the due date. 

Other grading items of note - There is NO extra credit and NO grading curve in this course.

Other Important Information

Academic Dishonesty - In accordance with Article 4095 of the WCC Board of Trustees Policy Manual, plagiarism, cheating, or any other form of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in this course.  Students found to have committed academic dishonesty will be referred to the Dean of Arts and Science for disciplinary action.

Classroom Behavior - In this class, you are expected to act in a professional manner at all times.  Classroom disruption will NOT be tolerated.  Treating myself or any of your fellow students in an unprofessional manner will not be tolerated.  If you disrupt the class, you will be asked to leave the classroom, and probably drop the course.  See the online WCC Board of Trustees Policy Manual for more information.

    ** Do not disrupt class by being habitually late. 
    ** Do not talk to other students during lecture. 
    ** Turn cell phones OFF (or switch them to SILENT) when you come into class.  It is very
        distracting to myself and the other students when cell phones ring during class.
    ** Do not text during class.  This is just as rude as reading the newspaper in class.
    ** Do not surf the internet during class.  You may only use your computer to take notes
        and follow along on the course website.

Behavior while abroad - While on the trip, you are representing WCC and the United States.  Thus, you should be on your best behavior at all times.  You must follow directions given by the WCC instructors, the excavation leaders at dig sites, the managers of hostels, and the docents and guards at museums and historical sites.  Likewise, you should strictly follow all posted guidelines at museums and historical sites.  Failure to follow these guidelines and instructions will not only negatively affect your grade in the class, it will result in you being sent home early at your own expense.