HST 121 Primary Documents

Topic DOC# -- Author/Title
Ancient Near East 1. Epic of Gilgamesh
2. Code of Hammurabi
3. Genesis
4. Exodus
Early Greece: Society, Religion and the Polis 5. Homer, Iliad
6. Euripides, The Condition of Women
7. Xenophon, Oikonomikos
The Rise and Fall of Athens 8. Thucydides, Book II (Funeral Oration of Pericles)
Rome's Rise to Power 9. Sallust, Conspiracy of Catiline
Roman Empire 10. Justinian, Institutes
Early Christianity 11. Acts of the Apostles
The Decline of Rome and the Rise of Germanic Europe 12. Gildas, Concerning the Ruin of Britain
13. Formulas concerning ordeals
14. Law of the Salian Franks
The Rise of Christian Culture 15. Leo I, Sermon on the Petrine Doctrine
16. Rule of St. Benedict
Byzantium and Islam 17. The Qu'ran

DOCs 18-23 deleted
Expansion: Population, Towns and Trade 24. Population Estimates
25. Account of setting up self-government: Ipswich
26. The Great Fair at Thessalonica
Religious Revival and Reform 27. Bernard Gui, Inquisitor's Manual
28. Rule of the Franciscan Order
The Crusades 29. Fulcher of Chartres, Chronicle
30. Albert of Aix and Ekkehard of Aura: Slaughter of the Rhineland Jews
England, France, the Holy Roman Empire and the Papacy 31. Letter from Henry IV to Gregory VII
32. Gregory VII's Deposition of Henry IV
33. Constitutions of Clarendon
Culture: Education, Literature and Leisure Activities 34. The Song of Roland
35. Bacche bene venies
36. Glückhaus
The Calamitous 14th Century 37. Jean Froissart, Chronicles: Knights seeking adventure
38. Jean Froissart, Chronicles: Rebellion in Paris
39. Jean Froissart, Chronicles: Peasant Revolt in England
40. Giovanni Boccaccio, The Decameron
The Renaissance 41. Pico della Mirandola, Oration on the Dignity of Man
42. Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince