HST 121 Quiz Review Sheet

Description of Quizzes:
Quizzes will consist of 5 multiple choice/true-false questions AND 10 identifications.
The multiple choice/true-false questions will cover ALL material presented (in lecture, text, books, documents) since the last quiz.
The possible terms to be indentified on each quiz are listed below.
On each quiz, you will be given 10 items from the lists below and 10 descriptions.  You will then have to match each item with the appropriate description.

Quiz #1
Sargon Minoan
Delphi Mycenean
Delian League Peloponnesian Wars
Salamis Hammurabi
Pericles Persian Wars
Agamemnon hoplite
polis Peisistratus
areopagus ostrakon
trireme Solon

Quiz #2
Philip II of Macedon Twelve Tables
Punic Wars Pyrrhus
Cleopatra VII
Darius III
Struggle of the Orders Alexander the Great
Sulla latifundia
Pax Romana Augustus (Octavian)
Zeno Pompey
Carthage Julius Caesar
Marius Tiberius Gracchus

Quiz #3
St. Patrick St. Jerome
cenobitic monasticism Petrine Doctrine
eremitic monasticism St. Columbanus
St. Columba Gregory the Great
St. Benedict St. Pachomius
Council of Nicea Synod of Whitby
Arianism Isidore of Seville
St. Ambrose Cassiodorus
Boethius St. Augustine

Quiz #4
Magyars Pepin the Short
Alfred the Great Louis the Pious
Iconoclasm Merovingians
Carolingians Charles Martel
Otto the Great Haj
Mecca Hegira
Medina Treaty of Verdun
Vikings Charlemagne
Danelaw Umma Muslima

Quiz #5
Urban II Carthusians
Saladin Franciscans
Albigensians Santiago de Compostela
Cluniacs Sacraments
St. Bernard of Clairvaux Conversi
Dominicans Innocent III
Cistercians Poor Clares
Inquisition Alexius Comnenus
Hospitallers Beguines
Consolamentum Waldensians

Quiz #6
Peter Abelard Boniface VIII
Jacquerie Scholasticism
Troubadour Poetry Papal Election Decree
Thomas Becket Epic
Gregory VII Investiture Controversy
Henry IV Henry II (of England)
Romance Goliardic Poetry
Edward III Great Schism
Hundred Years' War Thomas Aquinas
Innocent III Conciliarism