Creativity and Cultural Theory Books
The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity Julia Cameron |
Interaction of Color Josef Albers |
Ways of Seeing John Berger |
Art and Visual Perception Rudolf Arnheim |
Visual Thinking Rudolf Arnheim |
Art & Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking Ted Orland |
The Art Spirit Robert Henri |
Design Basics David A. Lauer & Stephen Pentak |
Criticizing Photographs Terry Barrett |
Photography: A Critical Introduction Liz Wells |
The Reconfigured Eye: Visual Truth in the Post-Photographic Era William Mitchell |
Photography Books
Cyclops Albert Watson |
Stay This Moment Sam Abell |
The Photographic Life Sam Abell |
The Photographic Essay William Albert Allard |
Color Photography Ernst Haas |
Henri Cartier Bresson: Photographer |
Airbourne Lois Greenfield |
Andrew Goldsworthy Collaboration with Nature |
Adobe Photoshop Master Class John Paul Caponigro |
Pricing Photography Michal Heron & David MacTavish |
Photo Galleries/Museums |
The University of Michigan Museum of Art |
The Halsted Gallery Birmingham, MI |
The Detroit Institute of Arts |
Photo-Eye Gallery Santa Fe, NM |
The Andrew Smith Gallery Santa Fe, NM |
Scheinbaum and Russek Santa Fe, NM |
Don Werthmann
professional faculty — photo
washtenaw community college