HST 230    Film: Au Revoir Les Enfants (1987)

Discussion Questions
1. What were the defining characteristics of the boys’ experience at the boarding school?
2. Why was there a black market? What role did it play at the school?
3. How were collaborators viewed by most characters in the film? Why were they viewed
this way?
4. What were the various forms of resistance that the characters in the film engaged in?
5. The Nazis devoted multiple soldiers and gestapo agents to hunting down a couple
Jewish kids instead of sending those men to fight in the actual war. What does that
tell you about their priorities?
6. How pervasive was Nazi antisemitism in the French town where the boarding school
was located?
7. The Catholic Church is sometimes criticized for not doing enough to hinder the Nazis
during the Holocaust. Did Père Jean, the headmaster, do enough?
8. Be a film reviewer. What did you think of the film as a work of art and entertainment?