HST 230    Film: Europa, Europa (1990)

Discussion Questions
1. How does the movie show the idea of “Aryan supremacy” to be a fallacy?
2. Compare and contrast Solek’s experience at the Russian school to his
experience at the Hitler Youth academy.
3. How difficult do you think it was for Solek to keep up the charade of
being Josef Peters?
4. How did circumcision affect Solek’s life?
5. Compare and contrast Leni and her mother. How were they different? Why?
6. Leni chose to have a “racially pure” child with Solek’s Aryan-looking friend
and give the child to the Lebensborn program. (This was an SS program that
encouraged extramarital relations amongst the racially pure to boost the Aryan
population). How extensive do you think this program was? What does its
existence tell us about the Nazi state? What problems might arise with such a program?
7. Isaak tells Solek not to tell anyone about what happened to him because no one
would believe it. Do you think that no one at the time would have believed the story?
8. Be a film reviewer. What did you think of the film as a work of art and entertainment?