Welcome to the main web page for Chapter FOUR of PRECALCULUS: College Algebra and Trigonometry.
Use this page to move to the desired pointers within the chapter.
The chapter is divided into the following sections:
4.0 Review of Exponents
4.1 Exponential Functions
4.2 Logarithmic Functions
4.3 Properties of Logarithms
4.4 Exponential and Logarithmic Applications
In the textbook there are icons directing you to various support pages. The
is used to reference pages that
demonstrate aspects of using the TI graphing calculators. The
is used to reference extra material on a topic. And the icon
is used to
reference further explanations of some point in the text.
Below each icon in the text there is a sequenced name for the specific
web page being referenced. Those icons and sequenced names are listed below
as hyperlinks to the desired pages.
4.0 Review of Exponents
calculator pages |
additional material pages |
further explanations pages |
4.1 Exponential Functions
calculator pages |
additional material pages |
further explanations pages |
4.2 Logarithmic Functions
calculator pages |
additional material pages |
further explanations pages |
4.3 Properties of Logarithms
calculator pages |
additional material pages |
further explanations pages |
4.4 Exponential and Logarithmic Applications
calculator pages |
additional material pages |
further explanations pages |
PRECALCULUS: College Algebra and Trigonometry
© 2000 Dennis Bila, James Egan, Roger Palay