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Nursing Drug Dosage Test

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The following table of equivalent values may be useful in solving some of the problems on the test.

10 millimeters (mm) = 1 centimeter (cm) 1000 milliliters (mL) = 1 liter (L) 1000 milligrams (mg) = 1 gram (gm or g)
100 centimeters (cm) = 1 meter (m) 1000 cubic centimeters (cc or cm3) = 1 liter (L) 1000 micrograms (mcg) = 1 milligram (mg)
1000 meters (m) = 1 kilometer (km) 5 milliliters (mL) 1 teaspoon (t or tsp) 28.350 grams (g) 1 ounce (oz)
1 kilometer(km) 0.62 miles 15 milliliters (mL) 1 tablespoon (T or tbsp) 1000 grams (g) = 1 kilogram (kg)
5280 feet (ft) = 1 mile 3 teaspoons (t or tsp) = 1 tablespoon (T or tbsp) 2.2 pounds (lb) 1 kilogram (kg)
1760 yards (yd) = 1 mile 30 cubic centimeters (cc or cm3) 1 fluid ounce (fl oz) 16 ounces (oz) = 1 pound (lb)
3 feet (ft) = 1 yard (yd) 4 cups (c) = 1 quart (qt) 453.6 grams (g) 1 pound (lb)
12 inches (in) = 1 foot (ft) 1.06 quart (qt) 1 liter (L)  
2.54 centimeters (cm) = 1 inch (in) 8 fluid ounces (fl oz) = 1 cup (c)  

Place your answer in space provide to the left of each question unless directed to do otherwise in the question.

Be careful to read all of each problem. Because these pages are produced on the WEB, for printed versions of these pages there is a chance that a problem, or its possible answers, will be split across two pages.

Click on the See Answers button to display the answers in a new window.

©Roger M. Palay
Saline, MI 48176
July, 2001 and June, 2010