Worksheet on Distributions

...still under development...

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This page presents numerous problems related to various distributions. These are presented in distinct sections, one section for each kind of distribution. In each section a number of problems are stated. The idea is to see if you can solve those problems. However, below those statements you will find not just the answers but also the methods for finding those solutions.

Please note that each time this page is loaded or refreshed all of the problems change.

The Standard Normal Distribution

Because these are standard normal distributions we know that the mean is 0 and the standard deviation is 1, i.e., μ=0 and σ=1. Or, we could say that the distribution is N(0,1).

The Normal Distribution in general

Because these are normal distributions in general we need to specify the mean and the standard deviation for each distribution i.e.,the value of μ and σ.

The basic Student's-t Distribution

Because these are basic Student's distributions we must specify, in each case, the degrees of freedom. We use the term basic because we are assuming the the mean is zero and the standard deviation is one.

The basic χ² Distribution

Because these are basic χ² distributions we must specify, in each case, the degrees of freedom.

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©Roger M. Palay     Saline, MI 48176     March, 2020