Start of Linear Regression
Within the folder holding Roger's files, create a new directory, copy model.R to that directory,
rename the file in the new directory, double click on the file to open Rstudio.
Then copy all of the text below the line and paste it into your Rstudio editor pane.
# This is a script of the commands that we will use to
# introduce the ideas of linear regression.
# We will need to start with measure of two variables, in
# this example this will be the measures of two different
# amino acids in eight tissue samples
amino_A <- c( 2, 7, 12, 9, 20, 6, 15, 10 )
amino_B <- c( 7, 7, 20,16, 29,11, 15, 10 )
# We could look at the two samples individually
mean( amino_A )
mean( amino_B )
summary( amino_A )
summary( amino_B )
sd( amino_A )
sd( amino_B )
# This was interesting, but not a real help in
# seeing how the levels of these two amino acids
# might relate
# Just look at a scatter plot of the two variables.
# First, just a rought plot
plot( amino_A, amino_B )
# There is a "feeling" of an upward drift
# in the values that we plotted. That is,
# it seems that higher amino_A values are
# associated with higher amino_B values.
# Then we will do it again, but this time make
# it a bit better. (Note that students are not
# expected to create such fancy graphs.)
plot( amino_A, amino_B,
main="Compare Levels of\nAmino Acids A and B",
xlim=c(-2,22), ylim=c(-2,30),
las=1, cex.axis=0.65, cex.lab=0.85,
col="maroon", pch=19)
abline(h=seq(-2,30,2), v=seq(-2,22,2),
col="darkgray", lty="dotted")
abline(h=0, v=0, col="black")
# The "drift" is still there, as we would expect,
# but we have a better feel for it.
# In trying to describe the relation between
# amino_A and amino_B values, we want to capture
# that "drift". We would like a line that gives
# us a feeling for that drift. As a guess, we will
# look at the line connecting points (0,3) and (20,23).
abline( 3, 1, col="violet" )
# That line has the form y = 3 + 1*x, where 3 is the
# intercept on the y-axis, and 1 is the slope. And that
# line does look like it characterizes the "drift",
# the relationship.
# But what about a different line? How about the line
# y = 0.5 +1.25x
abline( 0.5, 1.25, col="green")
# That also looks like it characterizes the drift.
# Which is the better characterization?
# We have a method for comparing these two. We will
# use the amino_A values to find specific points on the
# two proposed lines. These will be the values that
# we would "EXPECT" to find if the lines were strictly
# true. Thus, for y= 3 + 1*X, our points would be
expect_first <- 3 + 1*amino_A
# For y = 0.5 + 1.25*x
expect_two <- 0.5 + 1.25*amino_A
# The values that we actually obsevered are in amino_B.
# Just so we can see these we can add them to the plot
# We will add the expect_first values to the plot as
# violet triangles.
points(amino_A, expect_first, pch=17,
# We will add the expect_two values to the plot as
# green squares.
points(amino_A, expect_two, pch=15,
# We then compute the OBSERVED - EXPECTED
obs_minus_first <- amino_B - expect_first
# Then compute the squares of those values
obs_minus_first_squared <- obs_minus_first^2
# And, finally we find the sum of those squared differences
sum_sqr_first <- sum( obs_minus_first_squared )
# the first model, y = 3 + 1x yields 112
# then we do the same thing for the second equation
# y = 0.5 + 1.25*x
# We then compute the OBSERVED - EXPECTED
obs_minus_two <- amino_B - expect_two
# Then compute the squares of those values
obs_minus_two_squared <- obs_minus_two^2
# And, finally we find the sum of those squared differences
sum_sqr_two <- sum( obs_minus_two_squared )
# the second model y = 0.5 +1.25x yields 107.6875
# this is lower that the value from the first model
# so the second model is the better model.
# But we want the best model. We want a the best
# linear model for our data.
# The strange lm() function produces this
lm_hold <- lm(amino_B ~ amino_A )
# here is a quick look at it
# So the equation of the line for this model is
# y = 2.642 + 1.159*x or, in our case,
# amino_B = 2.642 + 1.159*amino_A
# here is a bigger view of the model
summary( lm_hold )
# it gives us more info, but it does include the
# two values for our coefficients.
# We can extract the coefficients, the intercept and
# the slope, from the model. Remember that our general
# form of the line is given as y = a + bx where a is the
# intercept and b is the slope.
coeffs <- coefficients( lm_hold)
# and we can add this linear model to the graph
abline( lm_hold )
# While we are at it, we can find the expected values
# based on the new linear model for all of the
# values stored in amino_A
expect_lm <- coeffs[1] + coeffs[2]*amino_A
# And then we can plot those values
points(amino_A, expect_lm, pch=15)
# We will follow the same process to evaluate this
# new model
# We then compute the OBSERVED - EXPECTED
obs_minus_lm <- amino_B - expect_lm
# Then compute the squares of those values
obs_minus_lm_squared <- obs_minus_lm^2
# And, finally we find the sum of those squared differences
sum_sqr_lm <- sum( obs_minus_lm_squared )
# This result, 93.98287, is even lower than our earlier
# model, In fact
# you will not find a line that has a lower sum of the
# squared differences between the observed and the
# expected values. This is the "line of best fit."
# With this regression equation we can predict new values
# based on suggested values for amino_A
# What is the expected value, using the regression equation,
# for an amino_A value of 13?
# What is the expected value for amino_A value 17.23
# What is the expected value for every amino_A value
# from 3 to 21 is steps of 3
# all of the values for amino_A used in the last few lines
# we within the range of the amino_A values in our data,
# that is, they were between 2 and 20. Finding the expected
# amino_B values based upon amino_A values that are within
# the range of our data is called INTERPOLATION.
# Mathematically, there is nothing to stop us from using
# our regression equation to predict an amino_B value based
# on an amino_A value that is outside the range of our data.
# Doing so is called EXTRAPOLATION.
# For example, what is the predicted amino_B level, based on
# the regression equation, for the amino_A level 33?
# We get the answer 40.88178, but extrapolation is dangerous!
# Our data gives us confidence for amino_A values between
# 2 and 20. We have no reason to expect the linear trend to
# just keep going!
# Another aspect of this process is to look at the "residuals".
# The "residuals" are the OBSERVED - EXPECTED values for
# all of our observed values. We know that the observed
# values are stored in amino_B. The expected values,
# from our regression equation were stored in expect_lm
# Therefore, we could look at
amino_B - expect_lm
# Thus the residuial value associated with 15
# is -5.023986.
# There is a faster way to get the residuals.
# Recall that we saved our linear model in lm_hold
residuals( lm_hold )
# This example used a small data set, just 8 pairs of values.
# Still, we want to be somewhat confident that the residuals
# do not form a pattern. So we look at a new plot of
# the amino_A values against the residual values
plot( amino_A, residuals(lm_hold) )
# We will see this again in a more complex example later.
# Finally, we know that our regression equation is the best fit
# for any possible line, but how good is that fit.
# We answer this by computing the Correlation Coefficient.
cor( amino_A, amino_B)
# correlation coefficients are always between -1 and 1, inclusive.
# values close to either -1 or to 1 indicate a really good fit.
# values closer to 0 indicate a poor fit. A value of 0.8704585
# indicates a good, though not a great fit. The square of the
# correlation coefficient tells us the percent of the variation in
# the original data that is explained by the linear model.
cor( amino_A, amino_B)^2
# Thus our linear regression equation explains just over 75% of
# the variations seen in the actual data.
# As you might guess, a correlation coefficient of 1 or of -1
# would indicate a perfect fit.
########## S E C O N D E X A M P L E #########
# Here is a new problem with a larger data set.
# load the gnrnd4.R script
# generate the data
gnrnd4( 1527362406, 3271480704, 19500013)
# let us do a quick and dirty plot
# Then, as an extra step, a slightly nicer plot
plot(L1,L2,main="Second Example",
xlim=c(-2,22), ylim=c(-4,40),
xaxp=c(-2,22,12), yaxp=c(-4,40,11),
abline(v=seq(-2,22,2), h=seq(-4,40,4),
# find the linear model
lm_two <- lm( L2 ~ L1 )
# we could fix the graph to show the regression line
abline( lm_two, col="darkred")
# get the coefficients and residuals
lm2_coeff <- coefficients( lm_two )
lm2_resid <- residuals( lm_two )
# so our equation is y = 37.59901 + (-1.792756)x
# where x is the L1 variable and y is the L2 variable
# to find the predicted value when x=4.5
# to find the residual value for the case where
# x=11.7, we could recompute it
# the observed value associated with 11.7 is the second pair
# (11.7, 15.2) so the residual value is
# 15.2 - expected value for 11.7
# or
15.2 - (lm2_coeff[1] + lm2_coeff[2]*11.7)
# or, again recognizing that this is the second pair of
# values we could just pull out the second residual
lm2_resid[ 2 ]
# while we are looking at residuals we should do a plot
# the L1 values against their associated residual values
plot(L1, lm2_resid, xlim=c(-2,22))
# From the plot we are happy to see that the residuals
# are all over the place.
# And we should find the correlation coefficient and its
# square
lm2_cc <- cor( L1,L2 )
# the correlation coefficient is -0.9769232
# which means we have a really good fit, one that
# explains over 95% of the variation in the data.