More on Linear Regression

Within the folder holding Roger's files, create a new directory, copy model.R to that directory, rename the file in the new directory, double click on the file to open Rstudio. Then copy all of the text below the line and paste it into your Rstudio editor pane.
#  This is a script of the commands that we will use to
#  look at more examples of linear regressions
#  This first problem relates measures of height and shoulder
# width.  As it turns out, we can generate a data set for 32
# subjects where L1 holds the person's height in inches and
# L2 holds their shoulder width in inches.  Normally we would
# have found our 32 subjects and taken the measures, and then
# we would have had to get them into R somehow.  Here we can
# just use a special gnrnd4 command
#  Get gnrnd4 into the environment
source( "../gnrnd4.R")
# then run it
gnrnd4( 1473823106, 3240080104, 18300592 )
#  and let us look at the two sets of measures
# then a quick and dirty plot
plot( L1, L2 )
# perhaps a slightly improved plot
plot( L1, L2, main="Height vs. Shoulder Width",
      xlim=c(55,80), ylim=c(16,22),
      xlab="Height in inches",
      ylab="Shoulder width in inches", las=1)
abline( h=seq(16,22,1),v=seq(55,80,5),
        col="darkgrey", lty="dotted")
# Then we can get our linear model
tall_wide <- lm( L2 ~ L1 )
#  first look at it
# so our equation is 
#    y = 1.626 + 0.255x
# or, using the real names
#   shoulder width  = 1.626 + 0.255*(height)
#   we can easily graph this
abline( tall_wide )
#  we can find out how good our fit is to the data
#  by finding the correlation coefficient
how_good <- cor( L1, L2)
#  the correlation coefficient of 0.9839971 is really 
# high, really close to 1, so this is a great fit.
# The square of the correlation coefficient, 0.9682503,
# indicates that our model explains over 96% of the 
# variation in the data.  
#  We should look at the residuals.  We can pull them
# directly from our model
res_hold <- residuals( tall_wide )
plot( L1, res_hold )
#  The values are all over the place so that is good.
# If we want to find the residual value for the 
# original data point (73.1, 20.7) it is important to 
# note that this is item # 28 in the list, not item 
# 12 which also has 73.1 as its first coordinate.  The
# residual value of item #28 is
# we could have computed this as
20.7 - ( 1.626 + 0.255*73.1 )
# the difference in those two answers comes from the 
# fact that 1.626 and 0.255 are rounded values.
# We can pull the more accurate values from the model 
# and save them for later use as
tw_coeffs <- coefficients( tall_wide )
#  Even those printed results are rounded, but they give
# more digits than we got before.  We can use the 
# much more accurate internal values via the command
20.7 - ( tw_coeffs[1] + tw_coeffs[2]*73.1)
# Which produces the value that we saw from the
# residuals, re_hold[28].
# Finally, we can use our regression equation to 
# predict shoulder width for a given height.  
# For example, for a person who is 72 inches tall
# our model
tw_coeffs[1] + tw_coeffs[2]*72
# predicts their shoulder width to be 19.98526 inches.
# For a person who is 63.5 inches tall we predict
tw_coeffs[1] + tw_coeffs[2]*63.5
# their shoulder width to be 17.81782 inches
#  The last two predictions were cases of 
#  INTERPOLATION because the values for the
#  independent variable, height, were within
#  the range of values in our data.
summary( L1 )
#  We could do the same computation, but for a value
#  that is outside the range of L1, say for 36.2
#  inches tall, and that would be an example
#  of EXTRAPOLATION, a dangerous endeavor.
tw_coeffs[1] + tw_coeffs[2]*36.2
##########   example two   ############
#  This example comes from WCC English courses
#  for the Winter term of 2018.  The thought was that
#  the higher the course number the lower the 
#  percent of the available seats that are filled
#  Here is the list of course numbers
courses <- c(10,23,24,25,50,51,90,91,100,107,
#  here is the percent of the seats filled for 
#     each of those courses
fill_rate <- c(65,54.5,86.4,50,43.9,43.9,78.3,78.3,93.8,66.7,
#  then, a quick plot
plot( courses, fill_rate )
#  this does not suggest a strong linear relation
# but let us find the line of best fit anyway
num_fill <- lm( fill_rate ~ courses )
# and then we can plot that
abline( num_fill )
# but we should look at the correlation coefficient
cc_num_fill <- cor( courses, fill_rate)
#  Indeed, we get a negative correlation, which 
#  corresponds to our negative slope. This would
#  suggest that higher courses are less filled, but
#  the level of the correlation, -0.1074911, is so far
#  from -1 that we would say that these variables, course 
#  number and percent fill, are just not related. The
#  square of the correlation coefficient
#   at 0.01155434, tells us that our linear model 
#  explains just over 1% of the variation in the data.
#  Not much at all.
##########   example three   ##########
#  Just a quick look at some other data
gnrnd4( 2373293606, 2477210110,261000100)
lm_hold <- lm( L2~L1 )
cor( L1, L2 )
# Just a quick comparison to example two above.
# The slope here and the slope there are about 
# the same.  However, for this data we have a 
# correlation coefficient that is really close to -1.
# It is negative, just as the slope is negative.
abline( lm_hold )
plot( L1, residuals(lm_hold))
##########   example four    ##########
#  Here is some data that is not quite as close
#  to linear in relations.
gnrnd4( 6760873406, 4172401104,52100234 )
plot(L1,L2, main="Problem Four",
     xlim=c(-20,30), ylim=c(-25,150), las=1)
abline( h=seq(50,150,50), v=seq(-20,30,10),
        col="blue", lty="dotted")
cor( L1,L2)
lm_hold <- lm( L2 ~ L1 )
abline( lm_hold, col="darkred")
plot( residuals( lm_hold ) )
hold_coeff <- coefficients( lm_hold)
hold_coeff[1] + hold_coeff[2]*(-4)
hold_coeff[1] + hold_coeff[2]*(-3)
hold_coeff[1] + hold_coeff[2]*(-2)
plot(L1,L2, main="Problem Four",
     xlim=c(-20,30), ylim=c(-25,150), las=1)
abline( h=seq(50,150,50), v=seq(-20,30,10),
        col="blue", lty="dotted")
abline( lm_hold, col="darkred")
abline( h=hold_coeff[1], col="darkgreen", lty="dashed")