Hypothesis Test, Two Pop., Diffence of proportions

On your USB drive, create a new directory, copy model.R to that directory, rename the file in the new directory, double click on the file to open Rstudio. Then copy all of the text below the line and paste it into your Rstudio editor pane.
# line 1
#  Look at the null hypothesis that the 
#  difference of two proportions in two 
#  populations is zero against the alternative
#  hypothesis that the _1 - p_2 > 0.  
#  For this example we will use a 3% level of
#  significance and we will look at the proportion
#  of 3's in the two populations where p_1 is the proportion
#  of 3's in population one and p_2 is the proportion
#  of 3's in population two.
#  We will start by generating two populations
gnrnd5( 94472799907, 54367637)
L2 <- L1
gnrnd5(45861699907, 25457427)
#  Now that we have our two populations 
#  we need to take random samples of the 
#  two populations
#        ############################################
#        ##  Each time we do the following steps   ##
#        ##  we will get different samples and as  ##
#        ##  such we will get different confidence ##
#        ##  intervals.                            ##
#        ############################################
n_1 <- 95  # get a sample of size 95 from L1
index_1 <- as.integer( runif( n_1, 1, 7001))
samp_1 <- L1[ index_1 ]
n_2 <- 89  # get a sample of size 89 from L2
index_2 <- as.integer( runif( n_2, 1, 8001))
samp_2 <- L2[ index_2 ]
#  Then we need to find the frequency of the value
#  3 in each of the two samples.
table_one <- table( samp_1 )
x_1 <- table_one[3]

table_two <- table( samp_2 )
x_2 <- table_two[3]
# and we need to get the proportion of 3's in each sample
prop_1 <- x_1/n_1
prop_2 <- x_2/n_2
# Then our test statistic is p_1 - p_2 is
test_stat <- prop_1 - prop_2
# the standard deviation of the test statistic under 
# the null hypothesis is given by first finding phat
# as the pooled proportion
phat <- (x_1+x_2) /(n_1 + n_2)
# then the standard deviation is  
# sqrt( prop_1(1-prop_1)/n_1 + prop_2(1-prop_2)/n_2)
stdev <- sqrt(  phat*(1-phat)/n_1 +
                phat*(1-phat)/n_2 )
# To find the critical value for this one-sided test
# we need the z value that has 3% of the are to its right.
z <- qnorm(0.03, lower.tail=FALSE)
#  Then our critical high value will be z*stdev
# reject H0 if test statistic is greater than the 
# critical value
# For the attained significance approach we will
# need to find out how strange it is to get our
# test statistic.
pnorm( test_stat, mean=0, sd=stdev, lower.tail=FALSE )
# Reject H0 if the attained significance is less than
# our alpha level.

#  We could have taken the shortcut and used the 
#  function that is provided.
hypoth_2test_prop( x_1, n_1,
                   x_2, n_2, 33, 0.03 )
#    ################################################
#    ##   Now, highlight and rerun, over and over, ##
#    ##   lines 36-103, to get repeated samples and##
#    ##   thus, repeated hypothesis test.          ##
#    ##   While you do this be aware that the true ##
#    ##   difference between the population        ##
#    ##   proportions is 0.03667857.               ##
#    ################################################