HST 122 -- Nationalism, Revolutions
                       and Unification

I. Nationalism
A. cultural nationalism
1. being part of a community
2. taking pride in that community
B. political nationalism
- governments should coincide with nationalities
C. How was nationalism tied to liberalism?
- both are a threat to the conservative order

II. Revolution and Reform
        - EXAMPLE:  France
            A. Charles X
1. very conservative; still upset about the revolution
2. allowed aristocrats to be compensated for land lost
during the revolution
3. liberals protested this
4. Charles responded harshly
a. dissolved the legislature
b. imposed censorship of the press
c. imposed greater voting restrictions
            B. Revolution of 1830
- middle and working class rise up and drive the king into exile
            C. Louis-Philippe (cousin of Charles X)
1. the bourgeois monarch
2. the middle class make gains
3. the working class don't really benefit
- they riot and are crushed by government troops
            D. Revolution of 1848
1. depression in the 1840s
2. still no voting rights for working class people
3. in 1848, Parisians planned to hold a meeting to agitate for reforms
4. the government banned the meeting
5. people came anyway, formed a mob and took over Paris
            E. Provisional Government created by the bourgeoisie
1. the king abdicated and fled to England
2. the middle class seized power
3. they made political reforms to appease the working class
4. all men received the right to vote
5. created a new democratic constitution
a. president elected to a 4-year term
b. legislature of 750 elected to 3-year terms
6. but working class people were still a bit disgruntled
            F. Louis Napoleon (Napoleon III) = Napoleon's nephew
1. he won the election for president in a landslide
a. name recognition
b. politically astute - appealed to workers
2. middle class representatives in the legislature
tried to take voting rights away from the poor
3. Napoleon supported voting right for ALL men
4. used the support of the people to win a national referendum
that made him president for 10 years
5. then used another national referendum (1852)
to make himself emperor (landslide again)
6. turned out to be authoritarian just like his uncle
7. fostered a good economy to distract people
a. he used government funds to facilitate industrialization
b. he built hospitals
c. he advocated for better housing
d. he reconstructed and modernized Paris
8. these distractions work for about a decade
9. but people start to agitate for political reforms in the 1860s

            G. Franco-Prussian War (1870-1)
1. Otto von Bismarck was the Prussian chief minister
2. he worked behind the scenes to get countries to attack Prussia
so that he could crush them and expand Prussian territory
3. he does the same with France in order to remove them as a
threat to Prussian domination in central Europe
4. he got hold of a telegram to be sent from the Prussian king
William I to Napoleon III
5. he basically made the telegram into an insult
6. Napoleon III declared war; Prussia crushed France
7. Napoleon III is removed and France is weakened
8. by 1875, France is allowed to choose its own path
9. the write a new democratic constitution
a. legislature elected by universal manhood suffrage
b. president elected to 7-year term by legislature
            H. early 19th-century revolution ultimately fail to achieve goals
1. division in the ranks; middle class neglects the working class
2. aristocrats have more resources than the middle and lower classes
3. people are worn out, tired of violence and unrest

III. National Unification [Map -- Europe, 1871]
        - EXAMPLE:  Italy
            A. Crimean War (1854-6)
                1. the Ottoman Empire is declining in power; overextended
                2. Russia wants to take advantage of this decline
                3. seized Crimea in 1783
                4. now it wants the right to protect Christian shrines in Palestine
                5. the Ottomans deny the request (France already has this right)
                6. Russia invades; the Ottomans declare war
                7. France and Britain side with the Ottoman Empire
                8. the war takes place on the Crimean peninsula on the Black Sea (Map)
                9. tremendous loss of life on both sides
                10. Russia ultimately loses
                11. the balance of power has been broken
            B. Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-72) [MAP]
                - 1820s - joined the Carbonari
                - 1830 - arrested; exiled to France
                - founds the Young Italy Movement
                - he ultimately fails in his attempts to unite Italy
            C. Camillo di Cavour
            D. Crimean War; Congress of Paris (1856)
            E. Treaty of Plombières (1858)
            F. with help of France, defeats Austria; adds Lombardy to Piedmont [MAP]
            G. Tuscany, Parma, Modena, Romagna join the Piedmontese in 1859
            H. Naples and Sicily defeated in 1860 with the help of Garibaldi
            I. Naples, Sicily, Papal States (except for Rome) join the Piedmontese
            J. Victor Emmanuel II, king of Piedmont becomes king of a united Italy
            K. Venice added in 1866; Rome added in 1870
            L. Realpolitik