HST 122 -- Conservatism and Liberalism
I. Political Restoration and the Conservative Order
A. Quadruple Alliance
- Britain, Austria, Prussia, Russia
B. Congress of Vienna [Map -- Europe, 1815]
1. Balance of Power
2. Prince Klemens von Metternich
- Conservatism and legitimacy
C. The Concert of Europe
1. the conservative domination of Europe (1815-30)
2. Quintuple Alliance
3. Intervention
a. put down rebellions in Naples, Sardinia, Spain
b. could not intervene in South America
c. Greece - intervention in support of rebellion
D. Tory domination in Great Britain
1. rotten boroughs
2. Peterloo Massacre - 1819
II. Liberalism
A. Definition
- freedom of the individual; corruptibility of authority
B. economic liberalism
1. Adam Smith
2. Thomas Malthus
C. political liberalism
D. examples:
1. Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) -- utilitarianism
2. John Stuart Mill (1806-73) -- DOC 21: On Liberty
- Discussion
1. How does Mill define liberty?
2. According to Mill, when can society limit liberty?
3. Discuss Mill's ideas about liberty concerning the following:
a. poisons
b. drunkenness
c. men and women
d. children and their parents
4. What should be the role of the state/government?