HST 122 -- The Industrial Revolution:                                                                       Causes, Path and Consequences

I. Origins in Britain
  A. Agricultural Revolution
        1. Enclosure
2. allowed population to rise; huge potential workforce
  B. Natural Resources
1. massive iron and coal deposits
2. Barrow Iron and Steel Works
  C. Transportation
1. navigable rivers
2. canals [Stroudwater Canal: location]
  D. Unified, commercial-minded country [Map]
1. fewer trade barriers than many other places
2. embraced Adam Smith's idea of a laissez-faire economy
  E. Colonial Power [
1. raw materials
2. huge market
3. massively wealthy

II. Technological Change
    A. Steam Engine
1. the most important technological development of the Industrial Revolution
2. Thomas Newcomen (Newcomen Engine
3. James Watt
- rotary power could drive factory machines (
Power Loom)
4. Richard Trevithick
- steam powered locomotive (reconstruction)
5. George Stephenson
                - The Rocket
6. Spread of Railroads in England
- St. Pancras Station
   B. The Organization of Work: Factory 1Factory 2
    C. Entrepreneurship: Richard Arkwright
1. barber's apprentice
2. wig maker
3. John Kay and Thomas Highs

4. spinning frame [Spinning Jenny]
5. factory full of spinning frames
6. became massively wealthy
    D. The Culmination of British Industrialization 
            - The Great Exhibition of 1851 at the Crystal Palace: Outside, Inside

III. Social Impact
    A. Population growth
    B. Urban growth
    C. Growth of the industrial middle class
    D. Conditions of the industrial working class
1. Women and children worked along side men
- Cotton mill workers
- Coal drawing (hurriers and thrusters)
2. Living Conditions
- Cramped quarters (London)
    E. Reform
        1. Unions
a. early unions were usually only concerned with specific trades
b. Grand National Consolidated Trades Union, 1834
1. Robert Owen
2. the union fell apart because of lack of support
        2. Luddites
smashed machines
b. Ned Ludd
        3. Chartism
a. demanded political rights
1. universal manhood suffrage
2. annual session of parliament
3. pay for MPs
b. collected over a million signatures
c. held a
rally in London
d. rejected by parliament
e. gave working people a sense of class
        4. Parliamentary Acts
a. Factory Act (1833)
b. Coal Mines Act (1842)
c. Ten Hours Act (1847)