HST 122 -- Introduction

I.  Discussion of website, course policies, syllabus, etc.
A. course website
B. Blackboard
C. syllabus
D. textbook
E. primary documents
F. class schedule
G. lecture outlines
H. grading
1. 400 total points
2. NO extra credit
3. NO curve
4. attendance
5. quizzes
6. film review
7. exams
8. make-ups
9. Blackboard
I. withdrawal deadline
J. communication
K. academic dishonesty
- plagiarism
L. classroom behavior
M. Writing Center
N. Learning Support Services
O. grade appeal procedure

II.  History:  What is it?  Why study it?
IV.  This course: Early Modern Europe [Map] A. 1500-1900
B. period of massive change
1. religious change
2. political change
3. economic change
4. social change