HST 260 Quiz Review Sheet

Description of Quizzes:
Quizzes will consist of 5 multiple choice/true-false questions AND 10 identifications.
The multiple choice/true-false questions will cover ALL material presented (in lecture, text, books, documents) since the last quiz.
The possible terms to be indentified on each quiz are listed below.
On each quiz, you will be given 10 items from the lists below and 10 descriptions.  You will then have to match each item with the appropriate description.

Quiz #1
Druids Petrine Doctrine
Boudicca St. Benedict
Caesar St. Columba
Claudius St. Columbanus
Hadrian Synod of Whitby
colonia Oswy
municipium St. Augustine
Heptarchy bretwalda
Constantine St. Patrick
Theodosius Jutes

Quiz #2

Danegeld Danelaw
Alfred the Great Burhs
Harold Godwinson Harold Hardrada
Domesday Book Canute
fief Magna Carta
allodial land Provisions of Oxford
scutage serf
Anselm Thomas Becket
Constitutions of Clarenden Investiture Constroversy
Curia Regis chancery

Quiz #3

burgage tenure bailiff
Isabella of France portmen
Hanseatic League bourgeoisie
Richard II Henry IV
Henry V Henry VI
Bannockburn Roger Mortimer
Gascony Joan of Arc
Ordinances of 1311 Edward II
Piers Gaveston Agincourt
Edward III Thomas, earl of Lancaster

Quiz #4

Avignon Papcy Cambridge University
Great Schism Inns of Court
John Wycliffe Scholasticism
Lollards Thomas Aquinas
ghetto epic
Black Death troubadour poetry
Peasants' Revolt Goliardic poetry
trivium Romance
quadrivium Chrétien de Troyes
Oxford University Chaucer

Quiz #5

Edward IV Thomas Cromwell
Richard III Lambert Simnel
Henry VII Wars of the Roses
Henry VIII Thomas Cranmer
Thomas Wolsey Martin Luther
Catherine of Aragon Pilgrimage of Grace
Anne Boleyn Edward VI
Jane Seymour sola fide
Anne of Cleves sola scriptura
Mary I Elizabeth I

Quiz #6

James I Ptolemy
Charles I epicycles
Puritans geocentrism
Oliver Cromwell heliocentrism
Charles II Francis Bacon
James II Isaac Newton
Thomas Hobbes empirical method
John Locke inductive reasoning
Glorious Revolution Renaissance
Thomas More Humanism