HST 108    Introduction

I.  Discussion of website, syllabus, course policies, etc.
	A. course website
B. Blackboard
C. syllabus
D. FREE online textbook
E. primary documents
F. class schedule
G. lecture outlines
H. grading
1. 400 total points
2. NO extra credit
3. NO curve
4. attendance
5. quizzes
6. film review
7. exams
8. make-ups
I. withdraw deadline
J. communication
K. academic dishonesty
- plagiarism
L. classroom behavior
M. Writing Center
N. Learning Support Services
O. grade appeal procedure
II.  History:  What is it?  Why study it? III.  This course: The Ancient and Medieval World [Map]
A. complex urban societies = civilization
B. cities began forming 5000+ years ago
C. food production (Neolithic Revolution ~10,000 years ago)
D. cities
1. specialization of labor
2. centralized government
3. organized religion
E. writing
F. Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas
G. medieval = Middle Ages = ~500 to ~1500
H. the Middle Ages are the period in the middle
- i.e., in between ancient times and the Renaissance/Early Modern period
I. ancient = everything BEFORE the medieval period